Why is the error SMTP connect() fail displayed in the 'Mail Server Settings' installation step?
Following are the possible solutions to resolve the SMTP connect error:
- Uncomment ";extension=php_openssl.dll" by removing the semicolon before the statement in php.ini file. Save the changes in the file and restart your apache server. Service providers have very specific settings needed to connect to their SMTP (outgoing) email server. Most of the time this error specifically means that the server address or port number for the SMTP server are incorrect. You will need to check your provider's support site for exact SMTP settings required.
- You can test your Mail server settings by using your Gmail/Yahoo account credentials. Please find the details below:
For Gmail:
Before setting the mail server using your Gmail account, please follow the below steps:
- Go to the setting screen of your Gmail account
- Click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP
- Click on "Enable IMAP" radio button to enable IMAP access
- Save the changes
Click on https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps and select the option 'Turn On' radio button to provide access to Sentrifugo to send emails through your Gmail account.
Please use the below Gmail account details to configure Mail Server Settings during Sentrifugo installation:
For Gmail:
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Gmail account username
- Password: Gmail account password
- SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
- Secure Transport Layer: tls
- Port: 587
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Yahoo account username
- Password: Yahoo account password
- SMTP Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
- Secure Transport Layer: tls
- Port: 25
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Aol account username
- Password: AOL account password
- SMTP Server: smtp.aol.com
- Secure Transport Layer: tls
- Port: 587
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: GoDaddy account username
- Password: GoDaddy account password
- SMTP Server: smtpout.secureserver.net
- Secure Transport Layer: SSL
- Port: 25
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Outlook account username
- Password: Outlook account password
- SMTP Server: smtp-mail.outlook.com
- Secure Transport Layer: TLS
- Port: 587
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Sendgrid account username
- Password: Sendgrid account password
- SMTP Server: smtp.sendgrid.net
- Secure Transport Layer: TLS
- Port: 587/25
- Authentication Type: true
- Username: Mail.com account username
- Password: Mail.com account password
- SMTP Server: smtp.mail.com
- Secure Transport Layer: TLS
- Port: 587
If the above details are working and you receive a test mail, then please check the credentials you've provided initially to setup the Mail Server.
- If you have hosted Sentrifugo on a server, then contact your hosting server provider to check if they have blocked the SMTP connection.
Why am I unable to upload files/photos/documents?
Please follow this file path: \...(application location...)\...(application name)...\public\uploads and check the instructions given below:
Check if the uploads folder has been given full permission (777).
- Right-click on the uploads folder
- Click on Properties
- Click on the Security tab
- Click on Edit
- Select the username who requires access
- Select the Allow checkbox for the permission Full Control
- Click Apply and then click Okay
How do I configure HR and Management group emails?
To configure HR and Management group emails go to:
Site Configurations -> General -> Email Contacts -> Add+
You will need to configure the group emails according to a Business Unit.
Why am I unable to view employees after adding them?
Please check in your database if the triggers are attached. There should be a list of 36 triggers. The 2 triggers responsible for adding employees are:
- main_employees_aft_ins
- main_employees_aft_upd
If there are no triggers attached, please run the Trigger File manually. Then, check if the triggers are attached. If yes, reinstall the application.
Why do I get an error 'Something went wrong, please try again later' when I try to add an employee?
Please try some of the following solutions:
- If you have upgraded Sentrifugo from an older version to the latest version, check if you have the table 'main_emailLogs' in your database. If yes, execute the query 'rename table main_emailLogs to main_emaillogs;'.
- Check if the AccessControl.php file has full permission (777).
(Path: \ ...(application location...) \ ...(application name) ... \ application \ modules \ default \ plugins \ AccessControl.php)
- Ensure that you have followed all the upgradation steps correctly and updated the DB and codebase.
How can I delete an Employee?
Please note that once employees are added, they cannot be deleted. They can either have the status 'active' or 'inactive'. Employees who are inactive cannot log into the application. Most organizations prefer to retain former employees' data as per global standards.
What should I do when I don't receive my login credentials?
Use the option 'Forgot Password' on the login screen of the application to generate new passwords. You can enter your email id and the new password will be sent to the provided email id. You can then log in using your email address and new password.
How do I add employees?
There are two ways to add employees:
- Adding employees one at a time:
Go to: HR -> Employees -> Add+
Every time an employee is added, an email with credentials is automatically sent to that employee's email id.
- Importing employees:
Employees can be added in bulk using the import option.
Go to: HR -> Employees -> Import Format
You have to download the import format excel doc, fill in all the mandatory employee details and then import it.
Go to: HR -> Employees -> Import Employees
In bulk import, emails will not be sent automatically to the employees. Only the employee data will be saved in the database. To send emails, you will need to run the below cron job:
Cron job: http://..(your domain name)../..(your application name)../index.php/cronjob
For example: http://example.com/sentrifugo/index.php/cronjob
Please log out of the application and then run the cron job in your browser.
How do I set the weekly reminder emails?
Schedule the below cron job to run once a week on the selected day for the 'Weekly Submission Reminder' (Time -> Configuration).
Cron job: http://..(your domain name)../..(your application name) ../ index.php / timemanagement / cronjob
For example if your reminder day is 'Monday', then you should set the cron job every Monday.
Does Sentrifugo support multiple languages?
We do not have the feature to change the interface of Sentrifugo from English to any other language. We will keep you posted about the same when it's ready.
Is there a manual for developers?
We do not have a manual for developers as of now. We will keep you posted when we are ready with it.
Does Sentrifugo support LDAP Authentication?
We do not have LDAP authentication support in Sentrifugo.
Why can't I skip the Mail Server Settings step during installation?
You cannot skip Step 4 in the installation process. Mail Server settings are used in the following scenarios:
- Sending login credentials upon employee creation
- Sending system notifications
- Resetting system passwords.